Yearly Events & Activities
Field Trips
The 3 and 4 year olds visit Westmoreland Sanctuary, Harvest Moon Orchard, Muscoot Farm and The Greenwich Audubon Center. Parents/Guardians join their child as they enjoy hayrides, petting animals, tasting fresh maple syrup and much more.
Pirate Day
Mrs. Petfield 4’s class celebrates the letter P with Pirate’s Day! Children read the map to find where X marks the spot! Children find treasures and celebrate with Pirate Booty.
St. Patrick's
The children set traps to catch the sneaky leprechaun. Although he seems to away, get away the children enjoy following his footprints to the tasty treats and gold that he has left behind.
Fire Safety
The Armonk Fire Department is always a big hit with the children. The children wear helmets, sit inside the fire truck, touch the fireman up close and learn what to do in the case of a fire.
Advanced Curriculum
The curriculum at Little Sparrows is age appropriate and challenges children to learn and grow.
Trunk or Treat
Family members are invited to attend a costume parade followed by a Trunk or Treat party. Parents can sign-up and decorate their car in the hopes of winning the Trunk or Treat Trophy.
Charity & Outreach
Class parents organize two to three different events a year to help those in need. Little Sparrows has adopted families, served the Ossining Children’s Center, participated in toy and food drives at the Mount Kisco Food Pantry and reached out to others in need.
Currently, we are accepting food donations for the Mt Kisco Food Pantry till November 25.
Christmas Concert
Little Sparrows Nursery School has a graduation ceremony and a Christmas concert every year. Children rehearse and perform in front of their loved ones and our school community.
Frosty Day Parade
Families and staff enjoy marching in the Frosty Day Parade. A highlight is teachers seeing past Little Sparrow families and alumni excited to see their old preschool teachers.
Guest Reader
Parents/Guardians are invited on a designated day into the classroom to come and read a book to the class. A sign up sheet will be set up at the beginnig of the school year.
Donuts with Dad
A special day is set aside for the child to honor one special guest into the classroom. If you are lucky you may even hear a song or two.
C is for Camouflage
Mrs. Petfield’s teaches the letter C with a Camouflage Day. Children and teachers dress up in camouflage. You have to look closely or you might just not see them.
P is for Pajamas & Pancakes
Mrs. Troiano celebrates the letter P with pancakes and pajamas! Be sure not to forget the syrup!
Valentine's Day
Children make valentine cards for classmates and celebrate with a Valentines party.. If you are lucky, you may even get a little something from your favorite little valentine.
Theme Days
You can find various theme days throughout the school. Children dress up as pirates, Dr. Seuss, princesses, knights and even bugs.
Dr. Seuss Birthday
Ms. Stephanie ejoys reading Cat in the Hat to her students as they learn about patterns and words that rythme.
Birthday Celebrations
Parents may bring in a nut free treat for the class to help celebrate their child’s birthday.
4's Graduation
Graduation Day for 4’s is such a special moment for family members to experience a wonderful ceremony and video of their fondest memories at Little Sparrows. Get your cameras and tissues ready!
The child begins to develop a positve self-image as they learn to perform in front of a crowd.
Children enjoy singing, playing instruments with Ms. Delores and her puppets.
Mad Science
Mad Science offers hands-on preschool-level workshops for kids that complement concepts they're learning in school. The interactive approach is sure to give them a deeper understanding of fundamental scientific principles.
Gym Time with Coach Chris
Gym time with Coach Chris teaches the children sports, various obstacles courses, relay races and stretches to help the children learn the importance of teamwork, health and fitness.
Chapel Time
Mrs. Jessica is in charge of the Children’s Ministry at Ridgeway Armonk Church. Children have Chapel Time once a month to hear stories from the Bible. Mrs. Jessica’s lessons are fun, engaging and teach God’s love for all people.
Mom & Me Tea
In May, children honor their Moms and those who take on the role of a Mother with a Mom and Me tea. Children are known to escort their someone special to their seat and pull out their chair; all while learning to honor others and practice proper etiquette.
Dad's Day
Donuts with Dad’s is a special day where children spend one on one time with a loved one. The children perform for their guest of honor and together they build a special keepsake.
Thanksgiving Day
We are thankful for our families, friends, our school, and our teachers!
Show & Tell
A special day to bring in the children’s favorite item or toy but they must follow the letter of the week! This week was letter G for flamingo “glasses”.
Dentist Visit
Dr Joseph DeBiase came to Little Sparrows for a visit and to tell us the importance of brushing our teeth and flossing!
Election Day
Mrs. LaRosa’s class voted on which they preferred hamburgers or hotdogs….hotdogs won by a landslide!
Pumpkin Pajama Day
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